Tuesday, June 23, 2009

Kingdom Of The Spiders poster

(Click on images to view full-size.)

The miracle of nuclear radiation caused Bill's body to grow as large as his ego, till he towered over the town, straddling it with his awesome awesomeness.
The poster for the 1977 "Kingdom of the Spiders" captures the essence of Bill's dramatic portrayal of horror, doesn't it? This was a fun film from the 70's, made all the better by our man Bill.

Bonus: Below, a high-rez image of a great Kirk and Spock publicity pose. And don't anyone dare say they make a cute couple! They're just close friends, okay?

If Kirk and Spock were to get any closer, they'd both be wearing the same shirt.

Spock's pokerface came in extremely handy in such touchy situations.
"Spock, what do you think... am I looking a bit fat in this tunic? Come on, be honest."

Below, the Flight Deck certificate that I ordered from Lincoln Enterprises in April of 1975. I remember getting the package when I went to stay the weekend with my Grandma, where I had any packages delivered that I wanted to keep secret (and protected) from my stepdad. I had ordered a number of other items, which I'll post as time goes by on this blog. The yellowing on the right side comes from the sticky-backed photo album I foolishly put things in back then.

Below you will see something only three people in the world have; an original piece of shell art by me, depicting the Enterprise made entirely of seashells. I made the one in the photos about 15 years ago when living in Florida, where shell shops were abundant. One day I was browsing around in one and marveling at all the kitschy knick-knacks made from shells, and it occurred to me that the Enterprise would lend itself very nicely to being recreated using shells. It does have an organic flow to it, so I picked out some individual shells from the baskets, took them home and hot-glued together my original idea. It worked! There was no mistaking it for anything else.

I made another one for a friend, who still has his on his computer desk, and another for someone at work who wanted it as a gift for a Trekker friend. Whether that one still exists is unknown. If it were ever located, it could be worth some real money... a couple of dollars, even.

It's funny, but it actually resembles the ship design used in the new Star Trek movie; considering the warp nacelles that are so matronly huge at the front.

I propped it up a little so you can see the sand dollar used for the bottom half of the main saucer section.

And the view from straight on. Hope you enjoyed seeing my little artistic creation! I've thought about making and selling these, but who has the time?


  1. That shell Enterprise is priceless. Great job on that!

  2. What a terrific poster. I have never seen that before. Perfectly captures Shatner doing his unique thing. As was true for a lot of sci-fi and horror movies from the era, the poster is better than the movie.

    And kudos on your shell art Enterprise, sir. That is a lovely and clever piece.

  3. Thanks for the comments, guys! I've wasted my time on lesser things than that, so I'm kind of pleased it's survived over the years and still gracing my computer hutch.

  4. Hi there!

    You might be interested in an online auction that Mount Sinai Hospital in Toronto, Canada is currently holding. The funds raised go towards cancer research. A RARE Framed Star Trek William Shatner autographed Photo – Matted with original vintage Star Trek cards - is one of the amazing items up for bid.

    To look at the photo, go to: http://www.mountsinaiauction.com/auctions.php?stage=view_item&ID=710


  5. The shellship is fantastic! It combines two of my favorite hobbies: collecting seashells and watching Star Trek. I'd love to own one!

  6. Tintorera,

    Thanks for the compliment! I'm no longer around any shell shops, so it would be tough for me to make one. But you could make your own, based on the shell types in the photo! A hot glue gun and glue sticks are all you need after you gather the shells.

  7. In fact, I've got all the specimens needed and now I have the artist's permission to copy ... well, why not? :-)
    PS: I love your scrapbook.
