Tuesday, July 6, 2010

NASA Names Space Shuttle "Enterprise"

From the collection cabinets comes this article from issue #2 of "All About Star Trek Fan Clubs," published April 1977. This was a magazine that seemed to be an amateur publication that somehow got national distribution. Not that it was a bad job; it just came off a little more like a home-made effort of love by some fans than anything put together by experienced publishers (with apologies to any of the editors that might be reading this). But, that was part of the charm of this short-lived magazine, and I bought every issue, especially since this was during the latter days of the drought of Trek material we old-timers lived through.
(Click on images to view larger.)
This time we are looking at an article on the infamous re-naming of the shuttle prototype after the Star Trek spaceship. Too bad the Captain didn't make it, though...

Dig those cool 70's bell-bottoms and leisure suits!

No bell bottoms here, though... they look a little stuffy.

Below, another page from the same issue, covering a book-signing by Nimoy of his ill-titled book "I Am Not Spock," which was ironic since the people lining up to see him and get his autograph on it were there because of that role.

Oh, yes you are, Leonard.

Below is the back cover of this issue.


  1. Oh Wow, that brings back some memories! Our local paper ran those same images and being a fan of ST and the Space Program I had those cut out and taped to my wall right above my bed. It was like ST was becoming a reality right before my very eyes...

  2. I remember this event and was very glad to see the cast reunited. The only unnerving thing was Nimoy in a bell bottom leisure suit. It still gives me the willies...

  3. I remember participating in a write-in campaign asking President Ford to name it Enterprise. There was live coverage later on during the first unpowered landing test, and immediately following it, the Memphis TN station I was watching ran the episode "Space Seed" in an apparent nod to the Trek connection. It was an unexpected surprise. My bell-bottoms and I were thrilled.

  4. I enlarge Nimoy sings his book picture and lol he had half-eyebrow and wares glasses like ZQ when he plays Star Trek.:D I guess ZQ got this tip from Nimoy."I am not Spock" book caused angry steam.Poor Nimoy.
    This artical has color photo of Enterprise with original crew.It does not pain to see it again so I leave link here; http://trekmovie.com/2009/12/08/virgin-christens-first-commercial-passenger-spacecraft-vss-enterprise/
    As always Freddy,thnk for good stuff.y(^-^)

  5. Excuse me, he was in denims, not a bell bottom leisure suit!! He looked great, as always! IMHO!

  6. Jackie,

    I agree, I was wearing the same kind of clothes in the 70's and I dug them then! I just didn't look as good as they did in them.

  7. Check out Carl Sagan in the background just to the left of DeForrest Kelley!

    - Ted
