Friday, August 20, 2010

Trek Movie article in Famous Monsters #145

Once again the collection cabinets open their doors, and this time we look at a report on the first Star Trek movie from issue #145 of the venerable "Famous Monsters" magazine, published July of 1978. This was still early in the film's production, and filming had not yet begun; that was slated for later in the fall. The sets were just being built, and as we know now, the script still undergoing re-writes. But it was an exciting time for us fans!
(Click on images to enlarge.)

Although dead for years, nothing could keep this fan from seeing the upcoming movie.

Below, from the same magazine, the results of a contest from an earlier issue. All too easy for Trek fans!

Bonus: Below, an incredible ad for a contest where some lucky fan got to win a pair of Leonard Nimoy's used Spock ears! This came from the December 1967 issue of Movie Stars. I wonder if whoever won them was mature enough to treasure them, or was it a kid who "taped them to their ears" as the ad suggests and lost them at recess? Thanks to Irene Batelaan of the Netherlands for submitting it! I usually only feature material from my own collection, but this was too good not to share. "Ears to you!"

Fortunately for Nimoy, the article was only referring to his latex tips and not his actual ears.


  1. I think I remember this issue, I used to read these mags while my parents were shopping. The BX on base had a magazine rack that stocked these, right next to the toy section. It was out of the way of the main aisles so you could sit down and read all the latest issues. Good times.

  2. I love this site. So much information and collectible eye candy. I will visit often. Thanks, I've been a Star Trek fan since birth I think.
