Monday, April 16, 2018

The Monster Times #2 Interview With Shatner

The second issue of The Monster Times newspaper was super-special to young Trekkers like myself, being pretty much the first magazine to devote an entire issue to the subject. Below is the entire interview with Bill Shatner, conducted just after the series had ended, in 1969.

(To view full-size, click on the images. Once open, you may have to click on it one more time to enlarge.)

If you loved TMT and have fond memories of it, you will enjoy the group I have created devoted to it on Facebook! Join today and get in on all the fun, as we have several contributors and editors of the magazine as members, including the interviewer in the article Steve Vertlieb, and writer Gary Gerani!

Bonus: Below, a publicity photo of Chekov (Walter Koenig) and Yeoman Martha Landon (Celeste Yarnall).


  1. Hi. I see the Galileo Seven monster on the cover of the magazine. Was there more inside the magazine?

  2. Congratulations My Star Trek Scrapbook. I have nominated you for the Geek Hut Star Trek Blogger Award.

    This award is for the best blogs created by fans of Star Trek. Please visit the webpage to get your award badge.

    We only request that you nominate 3-5 Star Trek blogs that you think deserve to be added to the list of bloggers worthy of attention.

    Add these to a blog post with a link to the awards page and some information about your blog. We will then link to the nominated blogs from our site.

    Thank you for your work offering great Star Trek content over the years.

  3. I always love the ads in the old magazines and fan newspapers.
    Long before the internet and "free two-day shipping," this was the only way to get photos and such form your favorite movies and TV shows.
