Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Star Trek Giant Poster Magazine #3

There were two publications that came out in the 70's that really were incredible to find back then... the Star Trek Fotonovels (which came out in 1977, and which we'll tackle soon) and the Giant Poster Magazine. Finding a new edition of either of these on the newstand was a major event in my little world!

I've posted the complete scans of issues #1 and #2 of the poster magazine, and will continue to feature them occasionally until they are all covered. This time we look at issue #3, (published in October of 1976) devoted to covering the more humorous aspects of the show. First, the cover... unusual for the fact that his uniform tunic appears purple rather than blue. This is probably because a colored gel was being used on one of the lights illuminating the scene.
(Click on images to enlarge.)

As always, I scan these pages in sections and then photoshop them back together, which is why the posts of the various issues are spaced apart as they are. It's a big job! If you had these issues, but don't any more, these posts will restore them to you, in a manner of speaking, and refresh your memories of them. If you missed them, they will be new to you! And if you still have them, but haven't looked at them in awhile, the posts will save wear and tear on your issues.

Next, the two pages that it opened up to first; one featuring images from the blooper reel, and the other the rules for playing the game Fizzbin, made up by the captain on the spot to confuse and distract the guards in "A Piece of the Action."

Next, page three, which was twice as large as the previous page, when the magazine was opened up further. A nice writeup on the most famous episode, "The Trouble With Tribbles."

Below, page 4, from the opposite side of the page above; on the inside fold. A nice look at the humor of Star Trek, much of which came from Dr. McCoy.

And then there's the back cover, interesting because of the ads for the two exciting items, the Tech Manual and the Blueprints. Take the trivia quiz if you think you know Star Trek! Answers given next issue.

Bonus: Below, a contributed item from a reader! Although I primarily featured material from my own collection (hence the "my" in "My Star Trek Scrapbook") I have decided to share material sent in by readers, if, of course, I don't already have that item. This time, we have a real rarity; a movie magazine page featuring DeForest Kelly way before his role on Star Trek. Contributor Kristie pointed out that since it mentions his involvement in the then-current film "Variety Girl", that this dates the article to 1947. Bet some of you didn't know his career went back that far! Kristie is an active contributor to a blog dedicated to Kelly, which you should visit! There are some awesome and rare photos of De posted there.

Note: I have begun a Twitter account for those that would like to use it to stay informed when I make posts here. Subscribe at!


  1. Frederick:

    Of course, we Trekkers LIVED by both Starlog and these poster magazines.. The photonovels came out just a bit after Star Wars, so I didn't get into them as much I could have.

    Your scan of this issue raises an interesting question..: Under the Fisbin article, it shows the corner white box comprised of rules as to daytime/nighttime hands. My ish did not have that segment(?!?) I can look for it in my basement, but I know it did not have that box. I'll have to look up what it did have..

    Yes, this was a WONDERFUL polished magazine, well written, and much copied for both Star Wars, Galactica, Buck Rogers and many other scifi and rock groups at the time.. I still wonder whether it was the 'first posterbook' or whether the UK had their Starburst poser magazine first..?

  2. David,
    Thanks for commenting! I think that the ST poster magazine pre-dated the Starburst publication by at least a year or more, as far as I can tell from info online. I found Jan. 78 as the date for the first issue.

    However, I believe that the British publication "TV- Sci-Fi Monthly," which I have covered a few times here, beat our poster magaszine by a few months. It had more pages, but was in the same newspaper-sized format, only glossy and in color.

  3. There was a British posterbook I used to see at a mall, which I thought was 'Starburst', but perhaps I didn't get the name right. I knew 'Starburst's a UK mag, but couldn't recall whether it was the British posterbook I used to see.., or if that's another mag altogether. Apologies.

    And yes, I believe your correct that this Trek magazine was the first magazine to use this 'posterbook format'.., but I didn't have much access to British scifi media at the time this first rolled out. I had the Spock w/Vulcan lyre poster (greenish hue) up in my bedroom for many years, either from ish 4 or 5, can't recall.

  4. Sorry Frederick, read your post response again. Yes, 'TV SciFi Monthly' was the Brit poster book, you are correct. I was thinking you were referring to the 'Monster Monthly' mag, which was another format.


  5. Great memories with the poster magazine, Frederick - and one of those items I've lost. The magazine was a great combination - super article(all color photos, too!)and a poster to hang on the wall after you finished reading it. Its layout and design were quite ahead of its time; I wonder what happened to the people who worked on it.

    Speaking of "posters," I've been trying to find one that hung on wall for many years in the 1970s - "Star Trek Collage." It was a collection of pics of TOS characters, aliens and spacecraft, and I seem to recall Nomad's photo taking up a lot of space compared to the others. Any chance you - or any of the other blog followers - have this in your collection(s)?

  6. Rob,

    That seems familiar, but I'll have to get out my poster box and go through them to find the one I'm thinking of. When I do, I'll take photo of it and post it to see it it's the one!

  7. Nice! The ad for the technical manual and blueprints is especially significant to me. I remember my father taking me for a haircut, and afterwards actually buying me the blueprint pack (I can actually recall the $5.00 price tag seeming like a lot of money!)!
    It was significant to me, as my father, while not as intolerant of my Star Trek interest as your step-father, chose to suffer in silence as he waited for me to out-grow it. He seemed okay with it in later years when he saw that it didn't warp my personality beyond being able to function in society!

  8. Rob.., this is indeed your lucky day.

    I have that very poster, in MINT unused condition (no pin holes, etc..). Let me know if you're interested.

    I got it back in the day, and was actually disappointed it wasn't the other standard Kirk or Spock posters, which I preferred to have. Nevertheless, I kept all my stuff in immaculate condition.

    Sorry Frederick, don't mean to conduct business here.. :)

    Just helping another hardcore Trek fan out.

  9. David,

    No problem! Of course, there is the matter of the small(ish) commission on sales conducted through the blog.... :)

    If am am remembering that poster, it has the robot on it from "Requiem For Methuselah" that contained recycled parts of Nomad on it. Am I right? I haven't looked at it for years but Rob's Nomad comment made me think on one particular montage poster.

  10. So I'm not insane! I knew that poster actually hung on my wall, though I can't seem to find any pics or mention of it online.

    @david_b: Can you send a jpeg of it to me? You can reach me by going to the Web page, which contains an email link.

    @Frederick: Yes, I believe it was M4, Nomad's long lost brother. I suppose you want a finder's fee from me? :)

  11. In that last pic of Kelley, he looks a lot like Shatner. I actually thought it was him before I read the actual text. :)

  12. I recall seeing a STAR TREK Federation time line in one of these STGP Magazines I had as a kid. Obviously with all the TV shows and films that time line probably was changed or not really followed at all. They were fun things to get along with Starlog, comics, photonovels, etc. Kids now a days get all the actual filmed STAR TREK they want with the Internet, DVDs, etc. How the times change.;)
