Tuesday, May 7, 2019

1983 Lincoln Enterprises Catalog

In 1974 I sent off for my first Lincoln Enterprises catalog (see some of the other posts about them here), and in 1983 I was still getting them in the mail. By then, they were getting bigger and fancier, with color photos of much of the material within. Whereas the original ones from the 70's were in a newspaper format (which was fun to read then, but hard to scan now), the newer ones were in magazine format, though still on newsprint paper. This issue from 1983 included material from both ST:TMP and The Wrath of Khan. However, it still contained older material from their earliest catalogs, like Kung Fu, Search, and Gene's several made-for-tv pilots. This post contains the first half of the catalog, the second half will be posted soon.

(To view full-size, click on each image. It will open in a new window. You may have to click on it once more to magnify.)

The painting prints offered below were unusual considering how they mingled characters from the films with figures like Ronald Reagan, Richard Nixon and even The Great Gonzo Muppet!

Bonus: Below, the cover of the soft-cover "Make-Your-Own Costume Book" for ST:TMP. Published for kids, it surely wasn't made for accuracy. However, I think it would be a fun retro-cosplay for some fan to recreate one of these now!

Third Season Set Visit

From a mid-70's fan magazine, title unknown since my copy is missing the first few pages. However, I didn't want this to prevent me from presenting an article in what remained, concerning a set visit during the filming of the third season episode "Day Of The Dove." If any fans reading this recognize the fanzine, please comment and tell me the title.

(To view full-size, click on each image and it will open in a new window. You may have to click on it again to magnify.)

From the back cover, great art depicting a couple of the lovely guest characters, Nona and Vina.

BONUS: Below, a rare photo of Shatner with one of his daughters, from a movie magazine published during the series production. 

1991 Christian Research Journal Article

From the Fall 1991 issue of the Christian Research Magazine comes this in-depth look at the philosophy of Trek as it related to religion, and Christianity in particular. Of course, in reading it, your view of the article will be influenced by your own views and beliefs. My own align with the writer of the article. But that doesn't diminish my enjoyment of the series or movies, as I know what to enjoy and accept, and what to reject and ignore, based on my own internal worldview.

 (To view full-size, click on each image. It will open up in a new window. You might have to click again to magnify.)

Bonus: Below, a rare pic of Shatner studying his lines (or maybe counting them) as he bikes between takes.