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In spring of 1977 I was 18 and still living at home, and we were living in Macon, GA again, my hometown. I saw this poster in a bookstore, and they had another copy which they gave me. Of course I didn't get to go see Doohan thanks to you-know-who.*
Below is a cool newspaper feature that I found in a paper I picked up while traveling through N.C. Think of it, a regular Star Trek feature in the daily paper! Cool stuff.
Below is a cool newspaper feature that I found in a paper I picked up while traveling through N.C. Think of it, a regular Star Trek feature in the daily paper! Cool stuff.
And below is a picture I drew as a teenager, probably about 17, of Spock. Not good, I know, but I enjoyed drawing my Trek heroes.
*(Regular readers know it was my stepdad who made me go underground with my Trek fan activities.)
Not that bad at all! Mine were worse (but I don't have any to prove it).
It's fun to look back on all the drawings that I saved from that time period... most were pretty bad, but it shows where I was at the time. You should see all my Planet of the Apes drawings!
I think it's great! And it bears an uncanny resemblance to Vulcan ambassador Soval from STAR TREK ENTERPRISE. The actor was Gary Graham. You hit upon what the young Soval would have looked like, albeit with Spock's hair and uniform. Okay, that wasn't your intended target, but at least you hit something. Thumbs up!
John G7
I think it's really good, I wish stuff from when I was eighteen was that good.
That's a handsome Spock!
Thanks for the kind words! But you would NOT want to see my first attempt at drawing Spock when I was 13... now, that one is just embarrasing.
Love that con flyer, from the days when cons were local and college affairs ($2!), before the greedy corporate types took over.
Your artwork is quite nice, I think, especially for your age at the time. I was never an artist of that type...my art was photography and film, as well as writing and publishing fanzines and such. I have always envied those who have the ability to render such drawings! I would have liked that Spock sketch on a fanzine cover back in the day...
Keep on keeping on, Fred!
CMX54 (Banned from Trekmovie!)
BANNED from Trekmovie?
My hat's off to you, sir.
Thanks for the compliment! Now that you mention it I have seen worse on some fanzine and con book covers. I've added a "Fred's Artwork" tag to my list so anyone interested can easily find posts that include one of my old drawings... however unlikely that scenario.
I drew a whole Star Trek comic book when I was in 5th or 6th grade. I'm sure it was awful but I had a lot of fun drawing it. I think I adapted a story called "The Man Who Trained Meteors" that Alan Dean Foster wrote for a Star Trek childen's album. Anybody remember Power Records from back in the day?
It's cool that you drew an entire comic! I'd love to see it. Do you still have it? If so, you should post it somewhere so I could link to it.
And I surely do remember those Power records, I have a number of them yet! I'll probably feature some of them on future posts.
You know, I have no idea what became of that comic I drew. It was huge, I remember that. Back in the days when I had seemingly endless amounts of free time. I'll try to dig around and see if I have any of my grade school-era Star Trek art left.
And weren't Power Records fun? I had a lot carried over from my childhood, and I've since upgraded a few and bought some more that I didn't have when I was a kid. Star Trek, Space: 1999, and Superheroes, those are the ones I have now. Its a pretty decent collection, even if they *are* mine!
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