But does it come with Navigational deflectors and cloaking device?
But does it come with Navigational deflectors and cloaking device?
Bonus: Below, a photo of a rare Trek toy made during the show's run. Note the detailed accuracy of the toy, precisely recreating Spock's favorite weapon, the futuristic grenade-launching rocket pistol.
Just make sure you don't lose that single grenade, kid, cause you ain't getting another one.
"Just holding this makes me looks smarter, don't you agree?"
Besides making a weird sound effect, Spock's heat lamp did little to help McCoy defrost his medical freezer.
Hammy? Perhaps. But I happen to enjoy ham. Bill gives it to us hot, baked with maple syrup and a pineapple slice on top. M-m-m-m, good!
I saw the video at the bottom of this post yesterday over at the great Daren Dochterman's blog and had to share it with you. When Bill made this, in 1971, "it was a very good year."
It highlights all the reasons we love to watch Bill act... and while immensely entertaining, it's far less embarassing than Leonard's "Bilbo Baggins" video! Leonard can never claim superior poise, intelligence or sophistication as long as that exists.
"You know you love me, yeah, you know it."
"With a face like this, how could you not?"
Humilty and greatness are often mutually exclusive.
Clipped from People magazine, published 11/28/94. Bill was clueless as to why the secondary cast members resented him, and still seems to be these many years later. I suppose it seems to him that the "little people" around him just don't appreciate his greatness and being overshadowed by him.
Known by Trek fans as the grandfatherly admiral that gave Kirk his orders in "Tribbles," but by the rest of the world as the voice of the Allstate "you're in good hands" announcer, Ed Reimers has passed away...unexpectedly, before his time.
Associated Press - August 16, 2009 7:44 PM ET
NEW YORK (AP) - A relative says the Illinois-born actor who told television viewers "you're in good hands with Allstate" for decades has died in upstate New York. He was 96.
Ed Reimers also served as an announcer for several TV shows in the 1950s and '60s
His nephew by marriage says Reimers died at his daughter's home today. The cause of Reimers' death wasn't immediately clear.
With his white hair and resonant voice, Reimers was best known for delivering Allstate's famous slogan. He was the Northbrook, Illinois-based company's TV spokesman for 22 years.
Edwin W. Reimers was born Oct. 26, 1912, in Moline, Illinois. He lived in Los Angeles for most of his life. He moved to Saratoga Springs, New York after his wife's death in 2007.
Survivors include his daughter, Kathryn, two grandsons and a niece.
Below, a screen capture from the blooper reel where Ed catches a tribble and delivers his line...
"You're in good hands with tribbles."
Read the Memory-Alpha.org entry on Ed.
I know that ship! That was from the movie "The Shape Of Things To Come". It was built by the folks at Brick Price Movie Miniatures. These were the same folks who were hired to do much of the model work for the aborted Trek Phase II series.
I have a couple of magazine articles about the film, which was quickly made to cash in on the success of Star Wars. It was intended to be a sequel to "Things To Come", the HG Wells penned film from the 1930's. It starred Barry Morse and Jack Palance.
The ship definately looks Trek related. I think this is due in part to the fact that the saucer section was made from the K7 Space Station model kit from The Trouble With Tribbles.
Truth be told, the model work was very nicely done but the film itself was really quite abysmal!
Thanks for the comment and thorough answer, Pierre! You have won a golden-haired pedigree Imaginary Tribble which should have already arrived. Have fun with him, but don't feed him much or your imagination may run away with you!