Saturday, January 30, 2010
1976 article: "Shatner: Shakespeare To The Stars"

Thursday, January 28, 2010
1976 article: Star Trek: Past, Present and Future
Bonus: below, a newspaper clipping about Bill's TV movie "Indict and Convict," from 1974. You can see the old tape that holds it in my first scrapbook, which was a school notebook.
Tuesday, January 26, 2010
Mad Spoof of "The Wrath Of Khan"
And below, one of Don Martin's hilarious cartoons, spotlighting the sexy new addition to the crew! There is something different about her...
Bonus: Below, another of the randomly-captioned Leaf bubblegum cards from 1967.
Bonus: a couple of panties shots from "The Gamesters of Triskelion," in which our lovely communications officer finds herself unceremoniously dumped onto the ground after a sudden transport. Her bad luck is our good luck, however. You could almost call this set of photos "A Day At The Beach."
Speaking of Nyota sunbathing, here's a tantalising comic panel...
Want to see the whole sequence of pages from this scene? Let me know!
Update: a personal note... sometimes as I backtrack links that lead to this site, I see they come from discussion boards where they are talking about something I've posted. The comments go on for pages, sometimes. But here on the actual blog, sometimes there are no comments left at all! So, if you like a post, leave a comment! It helps me to judge how my readers are enjoying the blog. If I see no comments, I assume my visitors aren't liking it, and that doesn't give me much incentive to post more very quickly. So, if you like the post, leave a comment and let me know, and you'll get even more, and more often!
Sunday, January 24, 2010
The Monster Times Trek Special #1: continued
Below, from the same issue, another of the trivia question articles, "So You Think You Know Star Trek?" Well, do ya... punk? Do you feel lucky? Then see if you can answer most of them right!
Below, two more of the colorized black and white pinups from the magazine. Since the magazine only used two colors per issue, any photos that were color were done using as many mixtures of the two shades as they could come up with.
Thursday, January 21, 2010
When Capt. Kirk Saved Oddjob's Life!
I've posted an article on "Impulse" before, go here to read it. To see the newspaper movie ad for this film, go here to my other blog "Held Over!"
Bonus: below, an ad that Nimoy did in the early 80's for a telescope company. Really, who better as a spokesperson for such a product? It's only logical.
And below, a beautiful piece of promotional art by artist Keith Birdsong, for the card set that he contributed to in the 90's. Excellent work!
And finally, below is another of the incredible works by Ralph Fowler, from an issue of Enterprise Incidents. Yet another example of his attention to detail and interesting alien architectural designs. Ralph often drew scenes that surpassed the TV budget of the show and took it into movie scope.
Wednesday, January 20, 2010
1983 Videogaming Illustrated article
A nice cover painting above, reversed image notwithstanding.
Below, an introductory editorial page written by special guest Walter Koenig, aka "Screamin' Chekov."
Bonus: Below, a cartoon scanned from an issue of "Enterprise Incidents." Turns out Spock wasn't that different from a human kid, after all.
Monday, January 18, 2010
1979 "Bananas" article on ST:TMP
Bonus: another of my photo humor pieces hopefully good for a chuckle or chortle.
Bonus #2: another of the crazily-captioned 1967 Leaf cards. It must have been fun to just make up stupid captions like they did!Update: since the photo of the transporter accident spawned some discussion in the comments, I just had to post this cartoon dealing with the subject!
Saturday, January 16, 2010
Leonard Nimoy's Life In Pictures
Same story as the last post: this article was scanned from a reprint in #4 of Enterprise Incidents, and was originally from a 1967 movie-tv fan magazine.
Bonus: Below, we see Bill tucking in his slave shirt... or is he adjusting his package for the cameras? You decide!