(Click on images for somewhat larger versions.) 
From the
Corbis photo website, comes these archival images of Bill in his younger days (See the site for lots more photos of Bill throughout his career).
Below, Bill adds playing the harmonia to his already-full range of accomplishments.

Below, Bill tries out a punching bag, one he might need to keep in practice for punching out beligerent aliens and traitorous starship captains.

Below, relaxing at home with a cigarette and a script. Glad our couches now are more comfortable than those in the 60's!

Below, a photo that looks to be from the late 70's as Bill is in good form on the parallel bars.

Below are a my favorites in the set of new images, as Bill trades massages (!) with Yvette Mimieux, who, as you recall, played "Weena" in 1960's "The Time Machine." Since Captain Kirk was my hero, and I had a teen crush on Weena, seeing them both together is great! They looked as if they were getting pret-ty cozy there...

Bonus update: you may recall reading in some recent posts about the fan film "Paragon's Paragon;" the most recent of which
is here. Well, I have finally heard from the filmmaker John Cosentino, and he has told me,
"I am going to try getting Paragon's Paragon re-mastered onto dvd over the winter. The super8 film is 35 years old and anything can happen. It is a $500 dollar project. Should it work I will make actual snippits of Paragon available. " This is good news for fans like me who have been intrigued by the images and info we have seen from this film over the years. I will keep you posted on any news, and when they are ready to premiere! Let's wish John luck as he goes through the process of digitizing the old film.